Privacy policy.
About Clear as a Bell
Clear as a Bell Research & Consultancy is a social research company. We conduct research on behalf of a range of organisations, mainly in Scotland. Most of our clients are public sector organisations, Third sector organisations, those with an ethical/social mission or a partnership of these kinds of organisations.
Clear as a Bell Research & Consultancy takes respecting and protecting people’s privacy very seriously. We endeavour to work within the requirements of the Codes of Conduct of both the Market Research Society (MRS) and the Social Research Association (SRA), the Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Register (GDPR).
What information do we collect?
We are often commissioned to evaluate services or to explore people’s views on an issue. We sometimes ask people for personal or sensitive information during the course of our research (we are then the Data Controller), and for some projects information may be shared with us by clients to enable us to do the research we have been commissioned to do (we are then a Data Processor).
We will not ask for unnecessary personal or sensitive information and will not pass this data to anyone without your consent. Anyone participating in research with us can refuse or stop participating at any time, without having to give a reason. We often record qualitative interviews or focus groups but will always check that all participants give their consent to this prior to doing so. This is to enable these discussions to be analysed and any quotes used will be anonymous unless consent has been given for views to be shared on an identifiable basis, for example if a person using a service wishes an issue to be raised on their behalf with the service provider if that is the research client.
What do we do with the data gathered?
Data will only be used for research purposes. All data shared with us will be stored safely and kept confidential, with data usually reported on an aggregate basis unless otherwise discussed and explicit consent given. Personal information is often contact information to enable us to contact you to take part in the research. Other information such as demographics (e.g. age, gender) may be used to help interpret other data and understand who has given their views within the sample.
Personal data will only be held for as long as necessary (practically for the completion of the project or legally) and deleted/securely destroyed as soon as possible thereafter. Unless specified otherwise, our standard data retention period is one month following completion of the project for any personally identifiable information. Where a monetary ‘thank you’ has been provided, any personal information gathered in the form of a receipt (e.g. name, address, signature) will be kept for seven years in line with legal requirements for tax/accounting purposes.
Your rights as a research participant
As a research participant you have the right to ensure that any information we collect and hold in relation to you is accurate and up to date. If requested, we can provide access to the information held on you – subject to identity checks - and will make any necessary corrections (if inaccurate or incomplete) or delete personal information as required.
Questions or complaints
If you have any questions about the way we collect, control, process and/or protect your personal data, or wish to make a complaint, please contact us at or on 0780 350 3374.
If you feel we have not dealt with your complaint properly, you have the right to approach the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for further information or to make a complaint. The ICO can be contacted via 0303 123 1113 or at
Use of cookies on our website
We use cookies on our website to make it easier/better for you to use as these ‘remember’ you. We endeavour to keep these to a minimum and permission is sought from you so you can refuse these if you prefer, although this may affect your experience.
By using the website, you consent to the privacy policy.
This policy was last updated in April 2023.